
Why Is My Gum Swollen But I Feel No Pain?


While often overlooked, gum health is a crucial aspect of overall oral well-being, and any changes in their condition can be perplexing. One of the more puzzling occurrences is when the gums swell without pain. We see this issue frequently, and as dentists, we’re here to help you understand what could be causing it. Let’s explore the complex world of gum health, the potential causes behind painless gum swelling, and the essential steps to address, manage, and prevent this common problem.

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4 Signs that Your Dental Filling Is Going Bad


Dentists use dental fillings to treat cavities and restore teeth to their normal function. However, over time, these fillings may show signs of wear and tear, and it’s essential to recognize the signs that your dental filling might be going bad. In this article, we’ll explore four key indicators your dental filling may need attention and the necessary steps to address these issues. A well-maintained dental filling not only preserves your oral health but also contributes to your overall well-being.

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What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?

Dental Services

Maintaining good oral hygiene for a healthy mouth and beautiful smile means consistent work each day to clean your teeth (read flossing and brushing) AND visiting your dental hygienist on a regular basis. Your dental hygienist professionally cleans your teeth, removing any spots you may have missed where debris has begun accumulating.  

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How Regular Teeth Cleanings Benefit Overall Health


Having a clean mouth is the cornerstone of achieving a beautiful and functional smile, and maintaining it long term.  We frequently pay attention to how the teeth look, but the gums and bone that provide the support for those teeth are critical if we want to keep our teeth long-term. 

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7 Common Dental Crown Problems and How to Address Them

Dental Services

Dental crowns are a wonderful option to help save severely damaged teeth.  The success and comfort level of crowns hinges on many details, including the amount of healthy natural tooth structure remaining, presence of fractures, proximity to the nerve at the center of the tooth, etc..  When all these details are correctly accounted for, dental crowns enjoy a very high and long lasting success rate.

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5 Most Common dental treatments explained


Dentistry uses a very wide range of procedures (over 180 procedures in the average dental office) to manage different types of problems on the hard teeth or soft tissues.  When repairing the teeth, there are 5 procedures that are most commonly used to restore shape, color and function, with any number of additional procedures added on depending on the situation.  We are going to focus on those 5 primary procedures in this blog to help improve understanding. These procedures are discussed in order of increasing damage or tooth structure loss:

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